Depressing that Democrats do not have much of an immediate bench and foolish because you just know that the GOP is going to be falling all over itself to push more onerous requirements for getting to cast a ballot,.
There is palpable anger and energy in the African American Community over the eviscerating of Section 5 of the VRA and what has happened in Texas and North Carolina in recent weeks. Nothing gets out the vote like laws which threaten all the hard work that's been done over the last 50 years, let alone the last 150 years.
Due respect to Steen Miles and Dr. Rad, Michelle Nunn is our probable nominee for Senate. It's a winnable seat given the GOP field. But lacking a solid field operation and a lack of a substantial and diverse slate it is going to be far more difficult to get ot our vote..
I get the rationale for waiting until 2018. Mayor Reed, Leader Abrams, Senator Carter, Representative Holcomb. Columbus Mayor Tomlinson, DeKalb DA Robert James all are content to wait four years. Some are passing things up now because they are not interested, but the big thing is ( and I have talked to most everyone I mention) there is a real sentiment that we lack the capacity to Get out the Vote and the prospect of having to build their own statewide field organization since none exists is the biggest problem they see and without putting to much of a point on it they look at the DPG and they shake their head.
Other than the Senate race and maybe School Superintendant, we need to be realistic 2014. But if we want to be a player in 2016 in the race for the White House we have to get our act together as a state party to look credible to statewide candidates, High Dollar Donors, The Clinton Campaign and the DNC.
The sad part about this is that we are going to repeat this process in 2016 since there is a strong chance that Senator Isakson will not be running..
We can talk about Unity and the need for money until we are blue in the face. what we need is organizational and operational credibility as soon as humanly possible. Sometimes I thing we do more to suppress our own vote than the GOP could ever hope to achieve.
I get the rationale for waiting until 2018. Mayor Reed, Leader Abrams, Senator Carter, Representative Holcomb. Columbus Mayor Tomlinson, DeKalb DA Robert James all are content to wait four years. Some are passing things up now because they are not interested, but the big thing is ( and I have talked to most everyone I mention) there is a real sentiment that we lack the capacity to Get out the Vote and the prospect of having to build their own statewide field organization since none exists is the biggest problem they see and without putting to much of a point on it they look at the DPG and they shake their head.
Other than the Senate race and maybe School Superintendant, we need to be realistic 2014. But if we want to be a player in 2016 in the race for the White House we have to get our act together as a state party to look credible to statewide candidates, High Dollar Donors, The Clinton Campaign and the DNC.
The sad part about this is that we are going to repeat this process in 2016 since there is a strong chance that Senator Isakson will not be running.
We can talk about Unity and the need for money until we are blue in the face. what we need is organizational and operational credibility as soon as humanly possible. Sometimes I thing we do more to suppress our own vote than the GOP could ever hope to achieve.
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